Current Research Areas

Microrobot Swarms - Mobile microrobots, which can navigate, sense, and interact with their environment, could potentially revolutionize biomedicine and environmental remediation. Many self-organizing microrobot collectives have been developed to overcome inherent limits in actuation, sensing, and manipulation of individual microrobots; however, microrobot swarms that exploit agent heterogeneity, reconfiguration, and the surrounding environment to transition between different collective behaviors that enable the collective to move through complex settings, manipulate objects, and alter the group’s global mechanical properties are almost completely unexplored. In the SAM Lab, we are developing the next generation of microrobot swarms that are controlled through magnetics, acoustics, optics, and electrohydrodynamics. Take a click on our project page image for more information on our past / ongoing projects.

Macro-Scale Robot Swarms - Many modular robots and active matter platforms are inspired by natural aggregates of multi-cellular organisms that exhibit complex emergent behaviors far beyond the capability of individuals; these behaviors stem primarily from short range interactions. Our objective in the SAM Lab is to exploit physical interactions in macro-scale robot swarms to emulate those naturally occurring behaviors and study the collective behaviors that will later scale down to the micro-scale when future microrobot swarms can be equipped with basic sensing and processing capabilities. Take a click on our project page picture for more information on our past / ongoing projects in this area.

Swarming Oscillators - We are studying the diverse behaviors that result from synchronization and swarming models, how the collective behaviors compare to real-world swarming behavior, and are applying control theory to optimize these models so we can realize specific, desired behaviors on our micro- and macro-scale robot swarms. Take a click on our project page for more information on our past / ongoing projects.